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High performance data store solution

Results 139 carbondata issues
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if I use hdfs system, and the using sdk program running on multi hosts, how can i let them write to one hdfs file? thank you

In case of insert into or load data, the total number of tasks in the stage is almost equal to the number of hosts, and in general it is much...

Added support for CFS filesystem for Datastax DSE. Tested with DSE 5.0.4 in standalone mode from spark shell. Successfully executed below sequence to load data into carbondata table. val cc...

Earlier for all the alter operations the flow was going to sort step during compaction. But during Rename Table and DataTypeChange sorting is not required. Solution: Added a map which...

for the off heap sort chunk size should be in range 1 >= val

can't build successfully because missing thrift dependency. Be sure to do all of the following to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily: - [ ] Make sure the...

Create Table Failed for partition table having date or timestamp when format is not specified in ( as it is not mandatory , should use default format from carbon...