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High performance data store solution

Results 139 carbondata issues
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#117, The longitude is six decimal places and the dimension is five digits. Why is it the same length after conversion? ### Why is this PR needed? here make me...

### Why is this PR needed? If storelocation doesn't have scheme, file system is treated as local by default, not the file system defined by fs.defaultFS. ### What changes were...

When use prestosql to query carbondata, the lucene index can be used to prune blocklet? (Like 'TEXT_MATCH') Thanks.

There are many code style errors in example module when I open the code style check, This PR fixed it. Be sure to do all of the following checklist to...

### Why is this PR needed? Currently clean files command will delete all the Marked for Delete and Compacted segments after the number of theses segments reaches carbon.invisible.segments.preserve.count, this delete... it does not support merge into ,please modify the document. ``` hive --version Hive 1.2.1000. [hdfs@hadoop-node-1 spark-2.3.4-bin-hadoop2.7]$ bin/beeline Beeline version 1.2.1.spark2 by Apache Hive beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://hadoop-node-1:10000 Connecting to...

After I have successfully created a table with partitions, but when I trying insert data the job end with a success but the segment is marked as "Marked for...

Please use `spark-2.2-cdh` profile to compile cdh. example: ``` mvn -DskipTests -Pspark-2.2-cdh package ``` CDH uses twitter parquet instead of Apache Parquet so packages of the classes are different. Carbon...

# Add test case for alluxio UT 1. install alluxio UT environment, start alluxio minicluster before running test case. This PR only add webapp into spark-common-test, it won't affect other...