sounds like it request an authentication from cheerio; prompting the auth screen from aliexpress before showing the result. Don't know how to do authenticate cheerio to aliexpress if you can...
I just tried that package and it is not working on my side. Is someone able to use it ?
First of all, Thank you @saeedhei for your return. Is inline_keyboard considered as an inlineQuery ? Shall I do some answerInlineQuery ? I do have only sendMessage with inline_keyboard and...
@sidelux within a on("callback_query" I do need to do a answerInlineQuery ? I feel like I have still a lot of work ;)
Thank you @sidelux I will !
@sidelux, beleive it or not, i Still Did not have implémented theses answerinlinequeries. I Still do not understand what is The effect of Answering it ? Can you paste me...
Any news concerning That issue ? I saw a solution regarding creating an array of id tô store That. is it the Best solution ?
There is also that function: ``` bot.on('new_chat_members', (msg) => { console.log("My msg object",msg) bot.sendMessage(, "hi" ) }) ```
@amberleitl ; group buttler is rather easy to install . Try to find some tutorials on internet ;) you will succeed !