
Results 7 comments of aoluming

> Hi, I'm trying this repo as well. I have the same question. I found there is a over [here]( I add the following snippet to [pose_demo.yaml]( under ./configs/pose_estimation/...

> when I run this command:mmskl configs/utils/build_dataset_example.yaml --gpus 1 > it will show:Load configuration information from configs/utils/build_dataset_example.yaml > [ ] 0/3, elapsed: 0s, ETA: > There was no progress for...

@Farabi-shafkat Thank you for your kind reply! Have you ever tried to train from scratch on C3D? ,this is my custom architecture, which I follow the paper 'Collaborative Spatiotemporal...

Hello, you are such a modest man and thank you for doing so much for me. I will try this thread in my code. @Farabi-shafkat

@libb999 同学你用的就是c3d么,有尝试用其他模型么,用这篇repo的c3d加他给的pretrain几个迭代acc就上97,从0训练就1%,我觉得很离谱,你觉得可能是哪里出问题了么。

@libb999 我用其他模型也是百分之1,但是我在训练过程中print了输出,发现了一个问题。就是我在网络中不加dropout的话,输出的类索引基本是一个或两个固定值,不论跑多少epoch都是这样。我不知道是网络的问题还是训练代码的问题,或者是data的问题。但是加了pretrain就很高,说明data可能就没问题

同感,但是检查了loss,print了梯度,感觉是没有问题的,是有梯度回传的,但是就是loss降不下去 @libb999