Алексей Олохтонов

Results 7 comments of Алексей Олохтонов

I'm +1-ing this request. Moreover, I've written almost exactly the same thing to @wolfpld some time ago, which I find pretty amusing. Relevant part of the email: > My use...

This happens specifically when pressing the "Menu" button. I was able to reproduce it under XWayland and openbox.

> > maybe spawn a terminal and redirect stdout/stderr of the debugee there > > I think this is the best solution. But because of differences between Linux terminal emulators,...

There seem to be issues with the implementation. The Log window is not updated when expected. Instead, it is updated at unexpected times: when hitting an assertion, when restarting the...

Using the new example wrapper macro + the latest commit it works!

I've made an attempt to implement terminal spawning over at #33 Help needed to turn it into a real solution!

Maybe this can be achived by allowing "exclude" for the "Image name" filter? This way we can exclude tracy.so