kuerbi's solution works for me, but not sure if the eslint and vscode will work properly.
@smooJitter This works for me, but seems my jest test is broken. .eslintrc.js ``` settings: { 'import/resolver': { 'babel-module': { extensions: ['.js', '.ios.js', '.android.js', '.json'], alias: { '@Components': './App/Components', '@Navigation':...
我也遇到相同问题,就是 header下面有一个scrollView的时候,shadow就变成了一条线。不确定是什么问题,zIndex也调了,没效果
Hi @odusseys Could you try using localstorage as the communication channel between tabs? If the issue still appears, it might be something wrong with BroadcastChannel, but I feel by the...
It'd be very good to support that. I'm not familiar with next, if I got time recently, I will look into it.
Thanks, I will take a look on this.
Hi @aynzad Thanks for reporting the issue. I try to investigate the issue when I got time.
Hi @koellemichael, I haven't tried using redux-state-sync with ImmerJS yet, will try setup an example when I got time. PR is welcome, if you wanna try setup an example for...
Hi @Emilion I'm currently trying to change the whole package to TS and will also upgrade the dependencies. May I know what is the exact issue that you are facing?
Yea, sure, but could you provide a use case?