
Results 27 comments of aohanhongzhi

> Need to upgrade Android Studio to 4.2 (beta now), try this: ![image]( ` FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project...

> If codecs are missing, a dialog is now displayed. With the hint to install these packages. > > ![Screenshot]( thanks for your replay, But I didnt find the dialog...

> Ok, forgot to mention. I installed the code for this last night. You can then test it with the next beta. thank you

我自己也替换了下,没想到这里有PR了。建议吧logrus的行号和代码文件整出来。 我的效果如下: ![image](

优化了下,直接点击就可以跳转到打日志的位置,方便调试。 ![image]( 实现 ```go import nested "" import "" func init() { logrus.SetLevel(logrus.InfoLevel) logrus.SetReportCaller(true) logrus.SetFormatter(&nested.Formatter{ HideKeys: true, FieldsOrder: []string{"component", "category", "req"}, CustomCallerFormatter: func(f *runtime.Frame) string { return fmt.Sprintf(" ( %s:%d...

How to get the resolution of the computer screen and center the whole program interface?

延迟得原因:我这里有一个情况是 auth鉴权的时候,使用redis,但是redis响应特别长。导致消息延迟或者发送失败。

redis存在问题,可以通过增加心跳解决。 ![image]( ```go // ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(55) * time.Second) //this is to send "ping" request each second for health-check go func() { for { select { case
