Paul Anzel
Paul Anzel
Just pinging on this issue. Any thoughts?
I have a container where I basically run ``` FROM databricksruntime/standard:latest ENV PATH /databricks/conda/bin:$PATH RUN apt-get update && apt-get install make ``` and it works fine. Mostly I'm just suggesting...
I'll definitely try to help a little bit with some Spark development, but apologies for not being active for a while. Parenting is exhausting, doubly so during a pandemic, and...
Apologies @ericmjl - kid started daycare late August and we've been dealing with the daycare plague and other sundries for the past several months. I'd like to get started again...
Okay, so I've done a review of modin documentation, with a particular eye to which methods they state don't have full support [link]( None of our code uses methods that...
Okay, sent them a message to their listserv, will see what I hear back.
Got a response! > We do have ways to create dataframe methods, but it's in early stages and still kind of hacky. > There's a tutorial here: > Let...
So, not being a Sphinx/rST expert, how should I render the printed output of Pandas tables in my docstring?
I can start hacking on this, but I will need your help with the doctests, @ericmjl