Anushk Mittal

Results 11 issues of Anushk Mittal

I'm still going through all the scripts... is there an easy way to run an interactive shell to test/ask new questions? thanks,

would really appreciate if you could add it =)

Doesn't capture the drawing made using this: I'm not exactly sure what's going wrong, any leads appreciated.. :)

currently, hides below the large navigation bar & triggers when trying to display the large navbar. Can you help me out with what's files to modify? I want a solution...

The sample app doesn't run after initial setup. Just a white screen of death in landscape mode Console Log : `WARNING: You should have an active UIViewController! 2017-03-06 08:48:43.827 YouTubeLiveVideo[4268:184793]...

Another issue I noticed while playing was the timed out errors that interfere with the auto-click process when I stop manipulating location to catch a Pokémon or for gym fights..

The project builds successfully but doesn't print anything on console

execution error: System events got an error: osascript is not allowed assistive access . (-1719)

help wanted

downloading master and running on Xcode 11.4.1 gives me this error on ` return VStack(alignment: .center) {` under `Calculator.swift`