Anurag Kyal

Results 3 comments of Anurag Kyal

@dmitryikh Saw the same error today. xgboost version 1.1.1 training code: ``` train_labels = train['click'] train_features = train.drop('click', axis=1) test_labels = test['click'] test_features = test.drop('click', axis=1) # convert to data...

same issue. Did you guys find a solution? training code: ``` import xgboost as xgb train_labels = train['click'] train_features = train.drop('click', axis=1) test_labels = test['click'] test_features = test.drop('click', axis=1) #...

@dmitryikh got it, thanks for your response. Is any ranking objective supported with xgboost like `rank:pariwise` etc? It would help if the list of objectives supported is added to the...