Anuj Biyani
Anuj Biyani
Interesting, I'll give that a shot! For a longer-term solution, would you be open to a PR along the API I proposed?
I was getting the same issue with Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.2. I changed the first couple lines of vendor/plugins/fetcher/lib/generators/fetcher_daemon/fetcher_daemon_generator.rb to: require 'rails_generator' class FetcherDaemonGenerator < Rails::Generator::NamedBase This helped a...
I just put my cucumber-chef tests in the same repo as my chef-repo. Why do you think it's better to have your cucumber tests in a separate repository?
Normally I'm in favor of adding flexibility when it doesn't paint us into a corner, but in this case I think divorcing the cucumber-chef tests from the chef-repo does more...
> Point taken, but my proposal would not break your current workflow, it just allows a bit of flexibility. True. > Also, I'm finding that a lot of my Chef...
> with AWS we will need some minor code changes in the provider to make this happen. I can confirm that this is necessary. I set up a new chef...
Ah you're using v2.0.7. Normally you'd be right to use the latest release on Rubygems, but in this case I think you're better off using the latest RC, v3.0.0.rc5. I...
Hmmm. Have you run a test yet? I could be wrong (haven't dug into this part of the code yet), but I believe containers aren't created until a test is...
> Concerning the collision in question, I’ve just confirmed that although the Rake task db:fixtures:load collides with Kernel::load under Capistrano v2.11.2, there is no such problem under Capistrano v2.13.4. I'm...
+1 I have some specs that freeze time using a block, then travel: ``` ruby it 'tests timey wimey stuff' do Timecop.freeze do assert_time_based_stuff assert_more_time_based_stuff end end ```...