Anuj Bhavsar
Anuj Bhavsar
I think it should update. I just noticed we also have a comment count above the comment input box. So if we don't update the sidebar count, it would look...
Updated the write-up🚀 @amywtlin
Assuming we will be removing the unicorn reaction option for now. This is how the interaction would look to see who reacted to my posts.  Here are [Figma...
> How will users know to click on the count? I couldn't tell that it was clickable looking at it. Yes. It doesn't look clickable right now since there is...
We can do that when the author is on the post-page ✨ I love how [Figma shows a walkthrough tooltip]( with graphics and tiny details. If we can do something...
> I'm wondering if we could simplify things here and have a single "Like" button which either opens the modal (if I'm the author) OR likes/unlikes the post (if I'm...
Based on the above discussion, the above post looks like the most appropriate position where we can display the Like count, which will open up the modal with a list...
You are right @aitchiss , secondary button would be more appropriate here ✨
Yes. This works ✨ @Link2Twenty
Here is the wireframe walkthrough [Loom video]( and [Figma File]( Drop your comments in Figma if you have any doubts or suggestions ✨