Does anyone know how to properly package python packages for AUR? Previously I just had a single file, so it was easy to package, but with many modules, I'm not...
Hi, I am a maintainer of [waypaper]( app, that uses `wallutils` as one of the backends for wallpaper setting. I have a couple of questions: 1) While all other backends...
Need to try implementing recurring events (not to be confused with multiday events) that are read from .ics files.
Lately, I am unable to run it on Windows. It's installed but when I run `python -m calcure` it just does not start TUI interface and quits the process after...
Now, the screen is reloaded when whichever key is pressed, which causes a flick of the screen. It should be that only functional keys reload the screen, while any other...
Have the error shown below, although when I check with -m or -l keys the layers are displayed correctly. Not sure what might be the problem. ``` ~ ink2pdf drawing.svg...
Hi, I am a maintainer of [waypaper]( app, that uses `swww` as one of the backends for wallpaper setting. I have one suggestion: Classically, wallpaper fill modes are either `fill`,...