Results 9 comments of anubhav

Sorry, I overlooked this info. But still i cant make it work. It works when i pass an integer `set_to_index=1` but it gives me an error of wrong datatype when...

So i tried calling once per item ``` window.Element('_platform_').Update(set_to_index=1) window.Element('_platform_').Update(set_to_index=2) ``` End result is that only item 2 is selected. I would love to have this multi-select functionality asap. Btw,...

> Additionally, you cannot have an space before the initial "{". This one saved my ton of time.

No, I am sure that I am using cenit version 11 on odoo 11. On Mon 4 Jun, 2018, 5:14 PM Alain Fernández Deroncere, < [email protected]> wrote: > Hi anubhav1,...

First I downloaded the the module from this link : . 2 modules are downloaded : cenit_slack_api_1_0_0 and cenit_base I uploaded the cenit_slack_api_1_0_0 in addons folder , restarted the...

I never installed cenit_slack_api_1_0_0. anyways, I deleted the cenit_slack_api_1_0_0 folder from addons folder and then uploaded the cenit_base in addons folder and restarted the server and refreshed the web client...

I did it but still no success :( On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 4:47 PM Alain Fernández Deroncere < [email protected]> wrote: > In that case, try clearing the browser's...

I ran it in the debug mode and now I see this error : /Users/anubhavjhalani/odoo-env/bin/python3.6 "/private/var/folders/pl/x__x2jj56q9f9wcds7wwwpn40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/46425C32-527F-4A18-9333-AEC44F491576/d/PyCharm" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 64799 --file /Users/anubhavjhalani/odoo/odoo-bin pydev debugger: process 23870 is...

Found the solution finally :) : 1. Install Automated Action Rules (technical name : base_automation) module. 2. Install python depedency : pip install inflect 3. Replace 'import json' as 'import...