Anton Mostovoy
Anton Mostovoy
We have a similar use-case - ability to provide a graceful experience to users when any error occurs - "Sorry, error has occured, email us and include this reference id"....
Seeing `class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'name' ....` a lot after updating to Idea 2022.2
Happened to me, when using Leiningen checkouts feature. The dependency symlinked in the checkouts folder got added as a module, but its source folder did not get marked as "Sources"....
also getting "no executable code" on Intellij 2022.1.2, Cursive 1.12.4-2022.1 when trying to set a breakpoint in protocol implementation
The same is happening to me on MacOS, Cursive 1.12.4-2022.1
There is a number of other issues open about problems with cursive+lein checkouts. Can the maintainers please take a look? lein checkouts is unsuable at the momemt.
In my project, moving the :require [cljsjs.material-ui] to the top of my core.cljs did not help. However, adding the following to `:dependencies` did! ``` [cljsjs/react "15.6.2-4"] [cljsjs/react-dom "15.6.2-4"] ``` [commit...
> The current recommended manual process suggests using a couple of different random sites and tools to do this which isn't ideal imo. Huge +1 on this. The suggestion...
FYI, Jetty 9.x Community support ended on 6/1/22, but security updates will continue probably until 2025. See more at
+1 for making the default safer. Most servers come with an expiring session in-memory store by default so this is not something that people will expect