Final refactor: BasePBR, StandardPBR, EnhancedPBR, Skin and Eye have all been updated to use a new material shader authoring paradigm. This paradigm is split into 4 stages: - Vertex (object...
Changes: **Culling.cpp**: changed WorkListCapacity from 5 to 9. This increases performance quite a bit as it increases the size of the array of visibility nodes we fill before we spawn...
Checkerboard pipeline is quite out of date and bringing it in line with other pipelines is not an insignificant maintenance cost. Will temporary disable the test. Need to discuss whether... Removing subsurface and transmission params from standard PBR Sister PR to this one: Just updated the shader variant lists to remove options that are no longer part of...
Eyes didn't render at all on Quest 3. Now they do (might be something wrong with specular on Quest 3/Android though, will investigate that in a follow up PR)
Fixing filmic tonemapping function and created aces tonemapping as a separate function to differentiate the two Filmic tonemapping now matches the implementation here: And looks much less washed out...
Adding utility function to get draw list mask as a string to help with debugging. Adding utility function to print a view's draw list mask in a human readable form....
Normals in Sponza were flipped. Likely explanation: textures were meant for OpenGL, not DirectX Changed the materials to flip the normal-Y so the normals are now correct.
Removing function override that erroneously adds the same attachment twice in Depth of Field pass, triggering an assert every frame if Depth of Field is active. Note: This is the...