Antonio Macrì
Antonio Macrì
Consider this: ``` import ( . "" "" "log" "testing" ) func TestConveyBug(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given something", t, func() { var x = &wrapperspb.BoolValue{Value: false} log.Printf("Receive type %v", x) So(nil,...
Comparison of proto Messages performed using `ShouldResemble` is unreliable. Consider this code: ``` package main import ( . "" "" "log" "testing" ) func TestConveyBug(t *testing.T) { Convey("Given something", t,...
First of all, thanks for this effort! I'm trying to build the project before making some changes. Any chance to have the dependency `spweb-client-tests` accessible? Unfortunately, tests are not runnable.
I'd like di plot different series in the same chart, providing inputs from stdin (pipe). Is there any way to do so?
**Describe the bug** Enabling actor metrics: ```go system := actor.NewActorSystem(actor.WithMetricProviders(global.MeterProvider())) ``` causes a memory leak when actors are stopped. **To Reproduce** Run the following main: ```go package main import (...
### Describe the bug I'm passing the `ManagedExecutor` to the Java HttpClient in order for it to run its tasks. However, when I set a "small" CPU limit on the...
I'm actually using dekorate via Quarkus Kubernetes extension. The generated env in a deployment is shuffled every time the yaml is regenerated. This causes a problem since the manifest is...
I don't want librera to access all my files. Why is that permission required? I'd expect is uses its own folder for fonts and similar and allows me to choose...