Antonio Tolentino

Results 5 comments of Antonio Tolentino

Hi @joelanford, Thank you for respond so fast. I have downloaded operator-sdk using the instructions from **Operator-sdk version**: `operator-sdk version: "v1.30.0", commit: "b794fe909abc1affa1f28cfb75ceaf3bf79187e6", kubernetes version: "1.26.0", go version: "go1.19.10",...

Hi @simonpasquier, Thank you for comment here. I have a specific situation here that I need to send the same alert to 2 different teams in Opsgenie. When Alertmanager send...

Hi @kbudde, I do believe that if we combine group_by labels and alias_prefix we can definitely deduplicate alerts in Opsgenie. Please, let's go for this and if you need anything...

If you are thinking in only setup alias per team in Opsgenie, this won't work for us. we currently have more than 150 K8s clusters and many teams per cluster...

I've installed the version below and I am facing the same issue: { "Version": "v2.11.3+3f344d5", "BuildDate": "2024-06-06T08:42:00Z", "GitCommit": "3f344d54a4e0bbbb4313e1c19cfe1e544b162598", "GitTreeState": "clean", "GoVersion": "go1.21.9", "Compiler": "gc", "Platform": "linux/amd64", "KustomizeVersion": "v5.2.1 2023-10-19T20:13:51Z",...