Hi @kowalej, do you have any updates on this? Do you plan to release a new version in short time or have an indicative date? I checked @zeos log and...
Dear dmedine, thanks for the answer :) I actually went through the library already and struggled to understand if I have to adapt the function pushAmpData when I set the...
Thanks dmedine for your prompt answer, following some comments based on what I tried today after your answer: > The impedance grabbing functionality of Amplifier_LIB.h is not implemented in LiveAmp.c/h....
> I don't clearly understand what you are trying to do, design wise. Do you want to transmit impedance data via LSL? Do you need to check impedances intermittently during...
Dear dmedine, > I will play around with this in the coming weeks and come up with a simple working example. Ping me if you don't hear from me after...
Dear dmedine, I'm sorry to bother you again but I have to try to get these impedance data as soon as possible. Did you manage to come up with some...