Antoine Lamy
Antoine Lamy
@radianttap could you edit the `.travis.yml` in your PR so it can be merged?
@radianttap unfortunately I'm not an owner so I cannot edit the file myself. Basically, you just have to update the value for `osx_image` in this file: `osx_image: xcode11.2` should...
Looks like line 20 must be changed as well to update the target operating system: `- xcodebuild -project "$PROJECT" -scheme 'SwiftyTimer' -destination 'name=iPhone 8,OS=12.4' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO build | xcpretty`
Thanks! @radex can you review?
@asowers1 review please?
Same thing here. Thank you for fixing it ASAP.
Your code snippet is a little bit confusing but yes you can. I would recommend taking a look at pinning view edges in the readme. You just need to pin...
One common way to go would be to size your header using `` and implement `sizeThatFits` in your `SomeHeaderView` class, this is where you should return the proper height of...
Can you reproduce the issue in a sample project and post it here? It would be a lot easier to troubleshoot.
I added basic support for it, check my fork at