Antoine Dezarnaud

Results 11 comments of Antoine Dezarnaud

Sorry, I do not work on this project anymore ans I do not remember if I've solved it and if i have, the way 😅 Sometimes a simple incompatibility between...

> @marcin-aicradle > I've tried porting com.unity.webrtc to WegGL before myself, but the texture rendering of VideoStreamTrack is very heavy. > I think the port to WebGL is probably tough....

@gtk2k Thanks for you answer ! I tried to execute your version in my editor, but unfortunately it didn't worked : the videoReceiver scene log an error when clicking the...

@gtk2k Oh okay, my bad. I don't have any ideas how to make it work faster then. What are the actual perfomances you managed to have ? Something like 0-10...

@gtk2k What are the reasons you changer the Lib path for editor windows in WebRTC.cs ? to `"Assets/Runtime/Plugins/x86_64/webrtc.dll"` instead of `"Packages/com.unity.webrtc/Runtime/Plugins/x86_64/webrtc.dll"` ? Edit : Also, I'd like to make your...

Okay, super great the sample project works ! 🥳 Could you explain to me what these methods are referencing to ? In Context.jslib : ``` ContextCreateVideoTrack: function (contextPtr, srcTexturePtr, dstTexturePtr,...

I'm currently trying to make the webgl webrtc plugin work with a custom signaling server. I'm really close to make it work, but i'm currentrly stuck on this : `RTCIceCandidate...

@gtk2k Thank you very much for your help ! I kept my custom signaling server and took the bits I missed in the API (`CreateNativeRTCIceCandidate`) and it works super smoothly...

@fenos gtk2k is really the only one to have worked on that subject. I'm only using what he has done so far. I'll be glad to help if I can,...

Update : currently working on it there : I merged the 2 versions (official unity's webrtc lib + @gtk2k version for WebGL support). The library is compiling correctly in...