Anton Stoychev

Results 30 comments of Anton Stoychev

What's preventing this issue from being closed?

@Billy- Use `es2015` for browser bundle and `es2015-node6/object-rest` for node.

@darklow +1 for your point on wagtail. I've been following the emails for this issue. How on earth would wagtail be supported @SalahAdDin @guetux @DylanLukes ?

`django-daterange-filter` so that users can filter dates in date range intervals. Most up-to-date fork is here: This other fork is attempting to integrate but it's not looking flawless:

@darklow this is not the case. I know about the hook. Try it. It gets ugly. Somehow django-select2 only triggers for the `empty-form` or existing/extra forms

This looks cool. I am trying to do something like this based on the generated code from `django-select2` but this seems better. I am testing it right now. I'm guessing...

@darklow i just tested latest master of django-select2 (`pip install -e git+`). It has some improvements. We can now use the following in suit: ``` $(function () { Suit.after_inline.register('init_select2', function...

If you're coming here from the future, just add this to your webpack config: ```js { test: new RegExp("scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed"), use: [ { loader: "imports-loader", options: { additionalCode: "var define =...

Applying theme files directly onto your project as you are planning to do sounds a bit _"dirty"_. There might not only be collisions but some leftovers from previous themes. However...