Qiu, Shi
Qiu, Shi
找到了,Unreal插件在 [JsEnvImpl:97](https://github.com/Tencent/puerts/blob/master/unreal/Puerts/Source/JsEnv/Private/JsEnvImpl.cpp#L97) 行可以设置
@touchsola 原版openwrt的 /usr/bin 中没有 wget-ssl 需要手动执行 `ln -s /usr/libexec/wget-ssl /usr/bin/wget-ssl` 创建一个软链接,然后即可正常更新。 @jerrykuku 考虑在 [subscribe.lua:L362](https://github.com/jerrykuku/luci-app-vssr/blob/master/root/usr/share/vssr/subscribe.lua#L362) 中使用 wget-ssl 的绝对路径
反诈中心还没有沦落到要通过系统漏洞才能保活,只要和手机rom厂商合作就可以了 微信也不需要这么激进的保活,任何在国内发售的安卓手机,如果接收不到微信消息,那么首先被冲的应该是安卓厂商,所以厂商对这种国民级软件都有保活白名单
> > 反诈中心还没有沦落到要通过系统漏洞才能保活,只要和手机rom厂商合作就可以了 微信也不需要这么激进的保活,任何在国内发售的安卓手机,如果接收不到微信消息,那么首先被冲的应该是安卓厂商,所以厂商对这种国民级软件都有保活白名单 > > 所以,特殊名单 才是更离谱的 没有办法,安卓是安卓,Android是Android。安卓就只能这样啦🤣
Same question here. My inputs are as follow: - seq_len = 8, feature_len = 16, local_image_size = 7, toponet_len = 32 - trainX = {ndarray: (*, seq_len, feature_len)} - trainY...
Problem solved, I forgot to change those zeros in hyperparameters. @gunarto90 if you are still interested in this work, you could reference my data format. If you read the paper,...
> hi, i was wondering if anyone understood how to use the model in training? is each point i calculated seperately or is it possible to calculate all points at...