Hi Guys, Do we have an update about this? Even the scrappy scripts to explore logs/db could do the trick for a start :smiley_cat:
Hi @dopey , Is there any further information about the format in the blob entries? I am trying to request a mysql DB to get information about issued and revoked...
Thanks @dopey , will check this out !
Hi Guys, Sorry for the delay, you know how it is when you got to get your head down for developing things :smile_cat: Let me summarize for us to understand,...
Hey @mmalone Thanks for the update ! That sounds terrific ! Indeed, for our use cases, we would use the 2/ renew if valid or 3/ renew after expiry, depending...
I have a similar issue where when using "$ref", all other properties seem discarded. I would expect a kind of merge such as this: ``` tsc { "id": "/Common/id", "type":...
Would love a point on that. Is it resolved ? Ongoing investigation ?
Hi guys, I am also interested in this feature. I was wondering if this could be handled by typeORM internally by checking if "cluster.isMaster" node, then run migrations, but for...