Results 13 comments of Anthony Finch

Also came here to say, this is very exciting, thanks so much for the work on this. Eager and happy to help with testing etc!

Let me know if I can help testing anything here!

@zacharycarter - once I figured out where to use this file ( ;) ) it worked for me, looks good.

Oh - actually maybe worth mentioning as well - before this worked for me I realised I did not have the header files for glut installed (freeglut3-dev on ubuntu.) Might...

As a heads up, QT respects an environment variable called QT_SCALE_FACTOR, (on linux at least) so I run it like so: QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 ~/downloads/dust3d-1.0.0-rc.6.AppImage

As a heads up, QT respects an environment variable called QT_SCALE_FACTOR, (on linux at least) so I run it like so: QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 ~/downloads/dust3d-1.0.0-rc.6.AppImage

As a heads up, QT respects an environment variable called QT_SCALE_FACTOR, (on linux at least) so I run it like so: QT_SCALE_FACTOR=2 ~/downloads/dust3d-1.0.0-rc.6.AppImage

I've been following along with this as I have the exact same issue, but have just made a potentially useful discovery and a bit of a work around. So, emacs...

Actually, updating further on this, there is now a variable in emacs 28, lock-file-name-transforms that does indeed allow you to change what this file gets called, and therefore where it...

Just to chime in that I have had the same issue, on 4.1.1 now. I am using PaperWM with gnome (another tiling wm!) and Godot will just start stealing focus...