Switching to mockito-inline caused our test suite to take ~2.5x the previous runtime (~20m -> ~50m). In reality the non-inline mock-maker is fine for the vast majority of cases --...
Thank you for the response -- when you reference "Surefire self attach" and "Byte Buddy agent", do you mean that those would be used to try to troubleshoot the runtime...
Also running into this -- thank you for the workaround but it unfortunately adds a ton of boilerplate. In the case of overriding a setter it gets especially verbose. Hopefully...
I was able to get your test to fail by adding either an `@Input` or `@Output` to the sub-class, for example: ``` @Component({ 'selector': 'my-component' }) class MyComponent extends BaseClass...
I'm wondering as to why this was closed, it seems like a valid issue?
What @mobius127 says is correct. Prior, you used to be able to do something in the HTML like `min-date={{myCtrl.minDate}}` and it would update dynamically. Now, I have to physically change...
I don't think I understand what you're proposing; would you be willing to provide a short snippet of example usage?
Works for me. Edit: Wait, I confused myself. I need to be able to automatically change the datepicker's `minDate`/`maxDate` option whenever some value on my scope changes; this seems to...
I'll try to come up with a minimal repro
So, at least in my case I think the crux of the issue is that getting `minDate` and/or `maxDate` to update dynamically is a chore when `datepicker-options` references an object...