
Results 10 issues of antage

See #16 as example. We should ensure all goroutines are exited before close all control channels and other stuff.


It needs to impement .form-vertical for formtastic forms: stacked, left-aligned labels over controls.


How about e-mail notification for fail and be-wary status?


`` responds with HTTP/2. Without `http2` feature `hyper` can't connect with error "invalid HTTP version parsed".

This issue is not bug report. It is discuss. In first, I want to say `css3buttons` (and `css3buttons_rails_helpers` too) is awesome project! **Problem: plain CSS-framework has some defects**. 1) Class-name...

Did anyone try to run `docker.service`/`containerd.service` with `systemd-named-nets` in own namespace? I tried and commands like `docker pull` works fine but `docker run` can't start any container. I hope someone...

help wanted

I'm trying to debug rails-application (running with webrick). All works fine, but `ruby objects strings` issues error: ``` (gdb) ruby objects strings Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2009.10/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/gdb.rb-0.1.2/scripts/", line...

I expect `beanprice` shouldn't rounding any price. Due to `beanprice` writes prices with `dcontext` the rounding may happen. ``` $ bean-price -e 'RUB:yahoo/VTBR.ME' 2021-11-10 price VTBR.ME 0.05053 RUB ``` ```...

/opt/ruby-1.9.1-p129/bin/ruby extconf.rb install mysql-ruby-2.8.1.gem Trying to detect MySQL configuration with mysql_config command... Succeeded to detect MySQL configuration with mysql_config command. checking for mysql_ssl_set()... yes checking for rb_str_set_len()... yes checking for...

When I tried to build docker-cuda image I get the following error: ``` 0 122.2 #0 122.2 error libmamba response code: -1 error message: Invalid argument #0 122.2 critical libmamba...