
Results 12 comments of anon17 Technically an emblem.

Uh, getaddrinfo is implemented in userland, is comletely synchronous, reads various configuration files and environment variables, and just sends UDP queries to registered name servers, and parses them. And the...

You can't elide strongly pure calls to zero, because they can throw exceptions, it must be called at least once. So void function is fine as strongly pure, a use...

Mutable data can be stored like this: ```d struct __mutable(T) { private size_t _ref; this(T val){ _ref=cast(size_t)val; } T unwrap() const { return cast(T)_ref; } } struct A { __mutable!(int*)...

Here's how you can break extern functions: ``` extern(C) int getpid() @system { //unsafe code here } ```

Should it be white on black or black on white or high contrast?

Yep, receiveOnly has wrong design, the `ret` tuple should be mutable storage and casted to Tuple!T on return.

A simple hack, closure: ``` Tuple!(T) delegate() deret; thisInfo.ident.mbox.get((T val) { deret = (){ return val; }; }...); static if (T.length == 1) return deret()[0]; else return deret(); ```

If nonreproducible means nondeterministic, you can replace the compilation command with one that tries to compile many times until failure.

Or it depends on compilation order. Do you use incremental compilation?