Ann Wawrose
Ann Wawrose
Designers are having a hard time keeping the docs up-to date because installing and maintaining a codebase on their computers is quite a bit of overhead just to update some...
From Dave Williams: I’m thinking through a major revamp of the cloud office control panel that structurally deviates from the 2 level canon list-detail model in that it has lists,...
here lie all things that exist in the canon-o-sphere but somehow aren't represented on yet :confused:
Canon currently has no guidance on how search results should be formatted when they are returned. Currently most searches do not give an indication of how the search changed the...
A lot of the text used in Canon (#999 on white) does not meet minimum standards for accessibility. In this issue, I will explore updating with a color that is...
We often use color as a sole means of encoding information (status, etc.) After looking at our colors through colorblind simulation in photoshop we probably need to revisit them. Also...
We need to find a way to have an "add attachment"/file upload mechanism for simple cases. (different than cloud files) Things to consider: -drag and drop is rad -drag and...