Anne Urai
Anne Urai
Let me elaborate a bit. I'm working in the field of perceptual decision-making, where random dot stimuli (e.g. are often used to study visual motion processing. Since these stimuli...
Sorry for the confusion, the first article on maximum likelihood estimation is not what I'm targeting, but rather the type of tutorial style article that I have in mind. I...
Thanks, I'll keep these different options in mind. Once I've made progress in writing the tutorial I'll explore a bit more where the end result would best fit. It's great...
Thanks for the clarification, I was confused by this: > One good reason for combining ReScience with The Winnower, for example, is getting both the technical review that only ReScience...
Thanks for your fast response! I completely agree that the user should decide which tests to apply, and test the appropriate assumptions. My main problem currently is that even if...
Time from first craniotomy to perfusion (overall brain health/infection)
Afaik we don't log this - I agree this would be important for institutions with multiple animal rooms (e.g. CSHL, where the Churchland and Zador IBL mice are in different...
When adding a new subject the date of birth entry box uses dd/mm/yyyy. I agree that either everything should me mmmm-dd-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd (probably the latter when reading in dates...
One further suggestion: it would be nice to exclude some authors from the alphabetical ordering, and give them a forced position (e.g. in the case of the International Brain Laboratory,...
Isn't this a GLM-HMM?