Is there a resolution for this, running into the same issue with locus zoom 1.4. Thanks!
I had the same error when all gene values in a row were 0 and also when all gene values in a row where the same (i.e. variance was 0)....
Thank you for the quick response. I did try the latter option with `--no-upload`, but the challenge is that the tracks are on a different server than the one that...
With tag v0.6.34: 1) running the server with `higlass-manage`: ``` sshfs annashch@remoteserver:/path/to/my/data /srv/ssd/higlass/media2 higlass-manage start -t /srv/ssd/higlass/tmp \ -d /srv/ssd/higlass/data \ --site-url \ -p 8989 \ -n atlas \...
(Sorry, had a typo in my docker command, fixed it above). It seems that case 2 (with docker run) also gives the error.
If I don't mount `/srv/ssd/higlass/media` , there is no error: ``` Pulling redis:5.0.3-alpine done Pulling latest image... done Data directory: /srv/ssd/higlass/data Temp directory: () Starting... atlas 8989 Docker started: higlass-manage-container-atlas...
I guess the workaround is ok, but definitely subideal to have to modify the source code and re-run the mount manually from within the running docker container. Is this not...
Is there support for this now by any chance? Would be great to visualize tracks hosted on a different server without having to download them locally.
Yes, they are hosted on a public web server and accessible by http.