Annalisa Pascarella
Annalisa Pascarella
@EtienneCmb ciaooo! I dind't change anything in this [example script]( but now I have this little brain o.O any idea? thks!!!
Create a new pipeline running reconall + bem
We use pandas in [prepare_data]( and in [_split_txt]( It seems the function [format_electrodes_xls]( is not used. @davidmeunier79 can we remove it? On the other side [_split_txt]( is used by [ImportBrainVisionAscii](
Add the possibility to choose the condition and specify the channel to pick
Look at this MNE function in order to perform the co-registration in an automatic way
Up to now the example pipelines use one sbj of the OMEGA dataset. Would it be better to use the sample dataset of MNE?