
Results 13 issues of Anna

Create ReconstructedCellRelease schema used In morphology release pipeline: * hasPart of type nsg:ReconstructedCell


It was agreed to add the following two property shapes to the `commons/minds` schema (which is imported by the `morphology/neuronmorphology` schema): - `nsg:atlasRelease` - `nsg:isRegisteredIn` These two property shapes will...

* Replaced skos:Concept with owl:Class * Updated stimt prefix * Fixed ttl format errors


The BrainLocation schema does currently not contain a hemisphere property. Since the brain hemisphere is occasionally provided as metadata to locate data in the brain, this should be added as...


Data mapping of the following databases to Neuroshapes: * MouseLight * Allen Cell Types Database * NeuroMorpho.Org

Extend the typedlabeledontologyterm schema with additional shapes which do not enforce typed labeled ontology terms (e.g. a **BrainRegionShape** in addition to the existing **BrainRegionOntologyTermShape** which allows a string to be...


Since the schemas for the type **PatchedCell** and **IntracellularSharpElectrodeRecordedCell** share many property shapes, a 'parent' schema for type **RecordedCell** should be create which can then be imported by the schemas...
