The address field should throw an error if a user enters a Kusama or other chain public key when sending from a Polkadot account and vice versa (exchanges do this)
1. Have DOT/KSM amount of the account show somewhere on the screen (e.g. in the Amount field, so the user knows how much they can lock for their vote or...
1. Address and amount sent doesn't properly align within frames 2. Error notifications hang across routes and pushes all information down (sometimes making it impossible to send transactions because the...
We need a warning somewhere (I'm thinking the send screen) that sending an amount that leaves an account below its existential deposit will cause a wipe of funds Polkadot minimum:...
Receiving errors when submitting aye or nay votes inside the extension
The extension asks for a password when signing transactions from injections (like in but you can enter anything in the password field and it will send
Restoring by JSON has stopped working.
An account's public key doesn't automatically change when switching between Kusama and Polkadot. This may cause the user to accidentally copy the wrong key. This may not be a huge...
When creating a new account, the first public key displayed by the wallet is not reproducible. If you click the account list, the public key displayed will be different. Steps...