Results 8 issues of Ani Ravi

## Current Behavior When I run `yarn nx format`, it fails from an error where it removes paths that contain more than one dollar sign in the path. This doesn't...

type: bug
scope: misc

## Problem Handle nested transaction blocks in an interactive transaction (or in transactions in general). This allows for writing transactions in a more composable manner without having to think about...

topic: interactiveTransactions
topic: savepoint
topic: nested transactions

I have a pnpm node TypeScript project where I use `date-fns` and `date-fns-tz`. A snippet like the following type checks, even though the second line should not be passing. When...

### What is the new or updated feature that you are suggesting? Currently, `useFormContext` allows you to grab the values with `getValues`. However, this returns formData, and converting it to...

Closes #10894 As of TS 4.4, TypeScript [has the ability]( to treat an optional property differently from undefined. As mentioned in the issue description, Prisma's types need to explicitly mention...

PR: Bug

![image]( The toggle on the top right of the code block to line wrap doesn't do anything. Potentially due to the custom TS snippets we use with twoslash.

## Problem To rollback an interactive transaction, you have to throw an error. It would be awesome to have a manual rollback function (that potentially takes a data argument to...

topic: interactiveTransactions
topic: rollback

For example, see the following hexdocs for the Phoenix web framework in Elixir. (The chainlink icon on the left (shows up on hover) links to the doc just like...