Animesh Sahu

Results 10 comments of Animesh Sahu

![image]( i am getting this error,what to do?

![image]( ![image](

also when i try to `print(img.flags)` i get this ![image](

also just to check whether code is working on my machine i just ran 1 epoch, will there be any kind of segmentation after running predection?

`with open('E:/torch/open-solution-mapping-challenge/tmp/prediction.json','r') as f: prediction_json=json.load(f) testimages_dir='E:/torch/open-solution-mapping-challenge/data/test_images' testimages_list=os.listdir(testimages_dir) for image_id in testimages_list: img_filepath=os.path.join(testimages_dir,image_id) img=mpimg.imread(img_filepath) img_real=mpimg.imread(img_filepath) mask=np.zeros(img.shape)[:,:,0] img_id=delete_zero_bfstr(image_id.split('.')[0]) img_annlist=find_id_ann(prediction_json,img_id) for ann in img_annlist: m=cocomask.decode(ann['segmentation']) mask+=m mask=mask>0 contours = measure.find_contours(mask, 0.5) img.flags.writeable=True img[:,:,0][mask]=255...

thanks, PIL and .copy() method both are working, but i am getting an output of ![image]( is this because of of only 1 epoch

@LeoKingBUAA did you find any solution?