Seth Benjamin

Results 19 comments of Seth Benjamin

Not so much abandoned but on hiatus due to time constraints. I would say that if you're pressed for time to look at other solutions; Right now I just don't...

@kio21 Thanks for reporting this, I am working on an update for Android that should bring in parity with changes I am making to the iOS module seen [here]( I...

I am aware of the issue on iOS8 and am looking into a fix for it. Thanks for reporting this!

@mrlundis As you've stated I've already incorporated some of the fixes and easing should now work. That being said there are still a couple more issues to tackle such as...

Hey everyone, i've released an [alpha]( of the iOS module that fixes many of the iOS8 issues I will leave this ticket open until I can fully stabilize and release...

@justin3636 i've released an [alpha]( of the next version for iOS (2.0.0), this addresses a lot of the issues that people were seeing with iOS8, if you have a chance...

@bitfabrikken I have not accounted for the anchorPoint on Android, this would be why you are not seeing this. I am marking this as an enhancement.

I don't think that this would be too difficult to implement. I don't have time at the moment to do it though. As soon as I get time this will...

Currently this is not supported and isn't on the roadmap for support. I am definitely open to pull requests though so if you're feeling up to the task I will...

@ygbr I've noted this as a future enhancement. As it stands I am still working on ensuring the current state of the modules works well cross-platform. I think that I...