
Results 12 issues of Bingbing

Recently I am running your prediction code which is the, during the time, i found that you are not using the whole image as input, just a part of...

I am trying to modify the current code to make it run on multi-gpu based on the tensorflow [cifar10]( multi-gpu implementation. it seems to be simple from cifar10 example, but...

Recently I am trying to use the diffusion model to do 1-D vector generation task, such as to generate sentence embedding which is originally generated from Bert, I have some...

Thanks for your nice work and great documentation and I have run it successfully. When I read the code in `ParameterServer.cs`, I find that the rotation update methods for model...

Thanks for your nice work, would you mind telling me how you get model points, whether it is from Vincent.blender and if I want to get more points, what should...

**Describe** Model I am using (LayoutReader): thanks for your work, I am trying to do inference using your pretrained model and OCR result from Tesseract, but I meet some problems:...

**Describe the problem**: I log in using github account, when I click the lef-bottom logout button, nothing happens **To Reproduce**: 1. log in using github account 2. click...

T: Bug

Thank you for your nice work, I want to know whether I can get the docx files and where to get them.

Notice: In order to resolve issues more efficiently, please raise issue following the template. (注意:为了更加高效率解决您遇到的问题,请按照模板提问,补充细节) #### What is your question? for one same audio(the audio file is long, such as...


Thanks for your great work, would you mind telling me where to get the dataset or when the dataset will be released?