It just happened that I created Gruvbox (Medium Dark) for Azure Data Studio like I took bits from here and the Vsix base from Atom one dark and it works....
Please provide a succinct description of the issue. I am getting Stack Overflow error on my latest build of webjobs. Need help in diagnosing the error. I am getting the...
#### Describe the bug I am unable to execute the dotnet-ef using the GUI available in Rider; instead, it shows an error that `dotnet-ef` is not found, and when I...
I have implemented this in our web app project. I want to log Post Api body details in the error to have details about the API call. But right now...
HTML contains scan result but sarif file is empty   Yml for pipeline: ``` trigger: branches: include: - master pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest container: shiftleft/sast-scan:latest steps: - script: scan --build...
New V4 app or existing V3 app migrated to V4: New App in V4 ``` dotnet --version 9.0.100-preview.3.24204.13 ``` Also verified in dotnet 8 sdk ## Case We are creating...
As per this support for 3.12 should be out by now, but I don't see update on this nor a issue tracker, so I just wanted to know if...