Maybe just add custom component: **Custom BLE device**, this component will have **BLE read characteristic** and **BLE write characteristic** function. This can be enough to create eQ-3 (or any other...
i have https://github.com/animavitis/mqtt-gateway for ESP8266. Its based on this great project, but is developed in platformIO IDE & homie, so for sure its possible :)
My Comet Bleu is branded by LIDL. Vesion `COBL0133` revision `0.0.10` & no new firmware avaible in official app. PIN from example is 123456, but it was not working for...
sadly still same error > ble/a5:80:bc:ca:66:b2/commands b'{"tries": 1, "commands": [{"action": "writeCharacteristic", "handle": 71, "value": [64, 226, 1, 0]}, {"action": "writeCharacteristic", "handle": 63, "value": [128, 22, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128]},...
Can u give some clues how changing mode of Comet Blue is working? this is last thing that i need to find/fix
- current stare reading is not always works as should, from time to time i get current temp as 64 C (its look like after try of setting temp i...