Amirhossein Nikfal

Results 8 issues of Amirhossein Nikfal

**Description:** We have generated a PNG composite image and want to overlay the coast lines on this PNG image by using `pycoast`. **Question:** The latitudes and longitudes of the pixels...

I'm using `pyresample` by the same code and on the same files, but in two separate workflows: **Code:** ```python from satpy.scene import Scene main375 = "" geo375 = "" main750...

1) The Datalad dataset has been created on the Jureca server by me. 2) Datalad itself has been built on two servers (Jureca and Juwels) by easybuild, and can be...

**`datalad save` on the data with different owner gets "permission denied":** `1976_12/cas1976123014.ncz: setFileMode: permission denied (Operation not permitted)` 1. I am part of the group 2. data permission is `-rwxrwxr--+`...

**Problem:** I did `datalad save` on a huge amount (~100TB) of data in 5 separate commits. Each commit associates with ~20TB of data. When I do `datalad push --to my_remote`,...

#### Code: ```python from PIL import Image from pycoast import ContourWriterAGG img ='BMNG_clouds_201109181715_areaT2.png') proj4_string = '+proj=stere +lon_0=8.00 +lat_0=50.00 +lat_ts=50.00 +ellps=WGS84' area_extent = (-3363403.31,-2291879.85,2630596.69,2203620.1) area_def = (proj4_string, area_extent) ... ```...


The summary of the output of `netstat -tpln` is as follows: ``` Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0...

After June 30, 2024 which is the EOL of CentOS-7, what are we supposed to do for the installation of AWIPS? Should we keep using CentOS-7, or can we migrate...