Anh Lê

Results 20 comments of Anh Lê

You can try my fork [here]( with latest version tinymce. Beside fixed the same issue, I add some configs maybe you will need. Tested with frappe version 14.

Sorry, recently I'm too busy for gif record. The fix I submitted for two issues: 1. Can't open email popup like this 2. Content email will empty.

That's weird! I tried add chewie: ^1.8.1 as an app dependency, no conflict appear. So, flutter doesn't use the latest version of the package for some unknown reasons.

Hello @fmulero , I tried upgrade helm with the config you suggested. But, the issue still exist. I created a pod with the image same as spark cluster. I mounted...

> Hi @anhlevfx Did you resolve the problem? Hi @OmarElHrr not yet with bitnami chart. I'm using spark-operator to deploy spark cluster mode and everything work as expected.

> Could you share a simple scenario to reproduce the initial failure? I think you are facing 2 different issues: > > * Run spark-submit to the master pod and...

> Hi @anhlevfx Yes, it works for me with the spark-operator in Minikube, but in the K8S cluster, it gives the same problem. I tried spark-operator with minikube multi nodes...

@OmarElHrr O When use spark-operator, my docker file was built base on ''. You can try. Just for clear understand, spark-operator is another repo, not relate to bitnami chart.

Hi @fmulero , please reproduce by steps below. 1. Start spark cluster: run only `helm install my-release oci://` and will have 3 pod (1 master and 2 worker) 2. Create...

Thank you @fmulero . I will try your suggestion. The issue can close.