* Operating System: MacOSX 10.14.6 * Node version: v10.15.3 * google-play-scraper version: 7.1.1 ### Description: Hi, I am trying to find out when the app state changes in google play...
I try to use this in my electron application, but I would like to exchange the about.html as well as the referenced style. I use electron-packager to build my .exe...
My first contribution ever. Bear with me :-)
Error in mainActivityTest( ▸ No views in hierarchy found matching: WebView with JS enabled ▸ View Hierarchy... Please could you provide a rich example of how to access IONIC...
I stumbled upon this: in actions/firebase_add_client_action.rb, you set the ConfigItem for env_name: FIREBASE_BUNDLE_ID twice (line 90 and line 94). Is this intended?
... when recording fails (Xcode crashes while interacting with our app the first time, so no recording of UITests possible). This is a known problem for Xcode, but no solution...