components icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
components copied to clipboard

Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular

Results 743 components issues
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### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was...

area: material/tooltip

### Documentation Feedback Dragging a list element of an example like [connected sorting group]( and moving the item near the page border won't trigger auto scroll on pages narrower than...

good first issue
area: cdk/drag-drop

Fixes an issue with the tab group where the selectedIndex was not properly maintained when the number of tabs changed. Fixes #26816

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: If a mat-checkbox is the last element in a mat-dialog-content it will cause the dialog to to have a scrollbar, even if the content...

needs: discussion
area: material/checkbox
area: material/dialog

### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was...

needs triage

Integrate virtual-scrolling as an optional add-on for relevant existing components, including: - [ ] Accordion - [ ] Autocomplete - [ ] Datepicker - [ ] Grid List - [...

area: cdk/scrolling

### Is this a regression? - [X] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was 17...

needs triage

### Feature Description Add a ng-content with select, with or without wrapper, that enable the possibility to add any content before the scrollable div inside the panel. I dont have...

needs triage

Fixes that all M3 themes were causing a "no theme has been loaded" warning to be logged, because they weren't inserting the loaded marker. Note: it's tempting to create the...

target: patch
merge: preserve commits
area: build & ci

### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was...

area: material/core