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Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular

Results 743 components issues
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#### Feature Description I would like to be able to somehow limit at what positions a drag element can be dropped into a dropList. I couldn't find any way of...

area: cdk/drag-drop

### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was...

needs: clarification
area: youtube-player

### Documentation Feedback Since mat-align-tabs is not aliased as a property/input binding (like how mat-stretch-tabs is), and it is not in the ts "API", I wound up getting myself hung...

area: material/tabs

### Is this a regression? - [X] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was _No...

area: material/slide-toggle

### Feature Description **Version:** Angular Material 17.0.2 ## Description When I have a mat-select with many options, the selected value will always be at the bottom when opening the mat-select....

needs: clarification
area: material/select

This pull request is a proposal to fix coordinates emitted from the trigger element when it's different than the container element. **Actual behavior** When a pointer down event (`mousedown: MouseEvent`...

When attempting to perform a release build, the build fails with the following error log: ``` ERROR: /usr/local/google/home/amysorto/components/src/material/datepicker/BUILD.bazel:90:12: SassCompiler src/material/datepicker/date-range-input.css failed: Worker process did not return a WorkResponse: ---8

area: build & ci

### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was not present was...

area: material/dialog

#### Bug, feature request, or proposal: Bug #### What is the expected behavior? I am not sure it is expected to behave like that or not, but I think that...

area: material/datepicker