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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | io_bazel_rules_sass | http_archive | digest | `fcce061` -> `2907a45` | --- ### Configuration...

action: merge
area: build & ci
target: patch

* Fixing broken documentation reference to LocationStrategy and Location in HashLocationStrategy page _______________________________ Current: ______________________________________ Adding the @ see in place approach yields broken description (cc: @JeanMeche same issue as...

area: docs

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for the changes have...

`EventDispatcher` emulates the browser's event dispatch (mostly). It supports: - Bubbling and `stopPropagation`/`stopImmediatePropagation`. - `currentTarget` during dispatch. - Throwing errors for `preventDefault` if the event is being dispatched in replay....

target: rc
area: docs
adev: preview

### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? router ### Description Currently, when working with resolvers in Angular, there is an opportunity to enhance the developer experience. ###...

area: router

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? Don't known / other ### Is this a regression? No ### Description We rely on several third party tools in...

state: has PR
area: devtools

### Command serve ### Is this a regression? - [ ] Yes, this behavior used to work in the previous version ### The previous version in which this bug was...

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for the changes have...

action: merge
target: patch
area: docs

`provideHttpClient()` returns a `EnvironmentProvider` which is not compatible with component providers. Also adding a `// TODO` to warn about `HttpClientModule` not being recommended in component imports.