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Results 1057 angular issues
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### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? platform-server, Don't known / other ### Is this a regression? Yes ### Description The error mentionned happens on various pages:...

needs reproduction
area: core
core: hydration

This makes events bubble! This change also contains changes to dispatcher and event_dispatcher to make replay synchronous, so that we avoid odd timing issues. This can be split out though....

action: review
area: core
target: patch
requires: TGP

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for the changes have been...

area: docs

### Describe the problem that you experienced The new docs seem to have removed Vim/Neovim language server setup. ### Enter the URL of the topic with the problem

Quick link fix ## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for...

action: merge
target: patch
area: adev

We plan to restructure how we support the maintainers of localized versions of our documentation for We are currently in the research phase and will share more once we...

hotlist: devrel
area: adev
area: docs-infra

Fixes #56045

action: merge
target: patch
area: docs
adev: preview

### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? core ### Description Some components need to fetch data before they can be rendered. Currently we are initializing these calls...

### Describe the problem that you experienced The official tutorial shows that we can copy/paste into the ```db.json``` file... But you are copy/pasting the this.baseUrl which doesn't work when you...

help wanted
good first issue
area: adev

### Describe the problem that you experienced Having to search github issues instead of docs for outputPath configurations ### Enter the URL of the topic with the problem...

area: docs