Angela Chen
Angela Chen
Intermediate format `OptionsNew` is intended to help interface between command line arguments, JSON config files, and (in the future) knobs.
Adding a newer version of the knob framework and a demo that utilizes it. Added in this PR: - `ApplicationSettings.useKnobManagerNew` : A flag for applications to use the new knob...
To repro: vk_graphics_pipeline.exe Then use UI to switch ps to membound and check the box for 1x1 textures. Error message: ``` *** VULKAN VALIDATION ERROR MESSAGE *** Severity : ERROR...
Specifically for Vulkan and not DX12 build. I tested this with a fresh clone as well to make sure it wasn't issue #349 To repro: `vk_graphics_pipeline.exe --debug-view "Wireframe Mode"` Or...
Platform: Windows Description: When I run Debug applications/benchmarks and try to minimize the window, it crashes. I've noticed this consistently happens for `vk_*` binaries but not for `dx12_*`. Able to...