Hi, Tomasz, Thanks for your reply. It works after I change the sbin parameter! One more question about "M". I only want to do Platt's methods to re-scale output scores,...
Thanks! I will read you doctoral dissertation. Another problem about replacing the features. In `esvm_features.m`, I tried to replace HoG with HMP features. For each input images I, HMP will...
Hi, we came up with an idea to use HMP features with ESVM for object classification. We don't need sliding window detection in object recognition. So we change: 1) `esvm_pyramid.m`:...
Hi Tomasz, Since HMP feature extractor is time consuming, I am curious about how many times `esvm_features` will be called in hard negative mining. I trace the codes, and what...
Hi Tomaz, I read the codes, and have a few questions: 1. `esvm_update_svm.m` I found newx is always equal to x, and model.mask are all ones. Removal of A and...
Hi, Tomasz, There are two details I would like to know more: 1) What is the physical meaning of initialization of exemplar-SVMs? I checked the codes in `esvm_initialize_goalsize_exemplar.m`, the initialized...