Where to use the non - public API? Anyone can show?Thanks!
I have submit AppStore successfully!
Perhaps the auditor did not find this problem @_@!
Do you two crash because of 0x8badf00d.I have no idea with it.
@yinanwang1 @AmyLee91 Hi,do you have solve it?
@yinanwang1 嗨 你是没有使用keychain么 可否留个联系方式交流下哈
当 当前控制器 走delloc时会出现
父控制器添加了 四个字控制器 子控制器上面都是放着tableview 有对 tablview添加contentOffset的监听 UIImageView was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it. Current observation info: ( 早上重新使用上 报了这样的错误 kvo的